
Current Exhibitions

Radical Kindness II
Vector Artist Initiative
One year ongoing virtual exhibition
Includes artist Linda Friedman Schmidt’s reversible artwork I See Myself In You, 2019, discarded clothing, 26 x 36 x 2 inches.

Ongoing NFT Show
Every Woman Biennial NFT Show
Superchief Gallery NFT,  New York City
by artist Linda Friedman Schmidt was minted in 2021 and is available as an NFT here
This work continues to exist as a physical original artwork available from the artist.

2023 Award
Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt is honored to be a recipient of the
New Jersey State Council on
the Arts 2023 Fellowship Finalist Award
This competitive cash award administered by Mid Atlantic Arts is granted solely on independent peer panel assessment of work samples. The anonymous process is focused on artistic quality. 

Artist Audio Recording
2023 Cornell University audio recording with video features Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt explaining the motivation behind her artwork during the “Threading the Needle” exhibition.

Interlocutor Magazine May 20, 2021  An in-depth interview with Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt by Millicent Borges Accardi begins with questions about her four artworks in the exhibition “UNRAVELED: Confronting the Fabric of Fiber Art” and continues with queries about the purpose of her art, her childhood, her process, medium, technique, and more.

Press and Film
Mr. X Stitch September 21, 2021 
Linda Friedman Schmidt Stitchgasm! An outstanding feature story about artist Linda Friedman Schmidt and her artwork appears in the UK International Textile Magazine “Mr X Stitch.” This powerful and sensitive artist profile by Editor Ailish Henderson includes multiple images, some of which you may have never seen before.


Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt is the subject of a short documentary titled “Under Her Skin: Linda Friedman Schmidt” which premiered on Hyperallergic.

Hyperallergic premieres a film about the artist’s life and work

A film about artist Linda Friedman Schmidt released on Hyperallergic!
Under Her Skin: Linda Friedman Schmidt
, a short documentary about artist Linda Friedman Schmidt was released on January 25, 2018 on Hyperallergic, the highly regarded arts online magazine. The 10 minute film was directed by Kelsey and Rémy Bennett and produced by The FRONT Media. Read the magazine article here.

Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt’s “Weeding” on German Magazine Cover
Linda Friedman Schmidt’s activist art was featured on the cover of the German Magazine kompass  “Weeding,” discarded clothing, 26 x 26 inches confronts not only Germany’s dark past, but also its present radical right wing anti-immigrant, anti-muslim, and anti-Roma views.

Activist Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt's “WEEDING” is featured on the cover of the March 2017 KOMPASS Magazine from Germany.

WEEDING by artist Linda Friedman Schmidt on the cover of March 2017 German Magazine KOMPASS.